Unlimited Memory — Book Summary

Unlimited Memory Book Cover

Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive

by Kevin Horsley

Published: 2016 | 141 pages
Rating Amazon:  stars rating 4.5 
Rating by reviewer:  stars rating 4.6 
Author of the article: Stefanie Jmar Javillo
Date of the summary: Aug 27, 2020

Imagine having unlimited memory that could absorb information easily and effectively. This book tackles various methods and strategies to improve our memory.

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Our mind works with complexity. When we improve our memory, we improve everything. We need to understand that the improvement of our mental power helps us to acquire information more quickly and easily. Kevin Horsley, the author of this book, mentioned that he once suffered from classic dyslexia. He dealt with the inability to have a good memory and concentration, making it hard for him to store memories and learn. However, despite his struggles, Horsley managed to discover ways to overcome obstacles and show off his incredible abilities.

Interesting quotes from the book

Every excuse you accept makes you weaker. Excuses stop you from concentrating and paying attention. When you excuse yourself from learning something new, you block your focus and your energy. Always remember that where your attention goes, your energy flows.

— Kevin Horsley, Unlimited Memory

Self-discipline is not self-deprivation. It is about raising your standards and going for and being more.

— Kevin Horsley, Unlimited Memory

You are the source of all your memories and remembering is a choice! There is no magic when it comes to memory improvement; there is only management.

— Kevin Horsley, Unlimited Memory

Summary of the book Unlimited Memory

An excellent memory helps us to absorb lots of information. However, at some point we refuse to hone our full potential for improvement. We create many excuses that hinder our willingness to improve. We limit ourselves merely to what we believe we can achieve. Our way of thinking reflects on the type of person that we are. It is hard to seek strategies, and sometimes, we are confused about what we have to do, but it is important to bear in mind that it takes a lot of effort and perseverance before we can achieve certain things.

Focus and Concentrate

With good concentration, it is possible to focus and be in control of what we are doing. It is necessary for our growth. However, most of us struggle to allow our minds to concentrate, causing us to be distracted. The reason may be because we have too many excuses that hinder our growth and improvement. Sometimes, we feel helpless, and we think that there is nothing we can do about it. Instead of thinking that way, believe in your capabilities and do not be too overwhelmed with responsibility and management. Be confident in deciding what is best for you. There are times that we could experience too much stress, but if we were to live in a stress free-condition, learning could be minimal.

Change your Beliefs

Our way of thinking reflects the type of life we have. Most of us are fed up with negative thoughts, while some maintain an optimistic outlook in life. People differ in what they believe in, what they perceive, and what they cherish.

Our mind is a vigorous, creative mind that may either inspire or ruin us. Letting ourselves live with negative thoughts is like entering an infinite loop that prevents us from creative learning. Therefore, we must improve our beliefs, but how do we that?

First, take responsibility. Feed your mind things that are beneficial for your growth. Recognize the reason why you want to change and how you are going to do it.

Second, question the belief. At some point, there are things that we believed hitherto but were altered over time. The more we doubt these beliefs, the clearer they get, and the more they make sense.

Third, develop a different belief. To revise what we believe in means allowing ourselves to experience more of our potential and create new possibilities. It takes some time before we can do it, but with patience, practice, and proper training of the mind we can make a difference.

Lastly, use that belief often and make it part of your identity. Think positively and make it a habit. You are what you believe.

Our willingness and self-discipline support us in acquiring a different set of learnings. Our memory is unlimited and possesses incredible abilities. Don't limit yourself but be a broad channel to receive information and remain interested.

Be Here Now

Most of the time, our mind is scattered all over the place. We think that busyness represents good business and makes us feel productive. To avoid this, we must train our minds to be more peaceful and focus on the present moment.

Every so often, our inner voice instructs us regarding what we should do. Therefore, we should train our minds to take control of our inner voices to choose the right paths. Stop multitasking because it interrupts our focus. Learn to carry out tasks consecutively. Recognize what you desire. This includes your purpose, interest, and curiosity (PIC). A clear purpose aids us in obtaining what we want. Learning with a purpose enables us to engage ourselves in endless possibilities of absorbing knowledge. Our level of interest represents a key to gain more knowledge and understanding. If you are not interested, then you may not recall what you have perceived. Also, our enthusiasm follows curiosity; the more curious we get, the more we look for knowledge. Above all, engage in positivity and eliminate worry. What do we gain from too much worrying? Redirect your way of thinking.

Bring Information to Life

To bring information to life means imagining pictures in our heads. When we are reading a novel, we tend to comprehend the story by picturing it in our heads. It becomes a movie in our mind. As we perform this, it is possible to remember the storyline. However, when we are interpreting textbook materials, if our creative abilities are not working, comprehension is impossible, regardless of how many times we read a passage. Generating images in our minds helps improve our understanding.

All of us can imagine things, and we can visualize images. We can enhance our memory's imagination system by utilizing the SEE principle.

  • Use your senses - sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste - when imagining pictures to help you to experience and remember more of life.
  • Exaggerate with your humor; tickle your mind. Learning does not inevitably mean being strict. We must apply exaggeration when we are learning. Have fun!
  • Energize, give your pictures action. Create more feelings in your imagination, and learning will become less boring.

The SEE principle helps us improve our imagination and concentration. Behind a powerful memory, there is an endless imagination that aids us in bringing information to life. By utilizing this principle, it helps us to improve our creativity, and enhances our memory as well as our humor.

Techniques for better memory

Various methods help create images and ease the process of remembering new information. These methods train us to think differently.

1. The Car Method

Imagine your car. In each part and compartment, you can decide to place whatever information there is to know. You can generate images and make them funny and vivid. But at the same time, use as few pictures as possible to remember more. You can imagine as if you are experiencing the information by utilizing the SEE principle. In this method, your car serves as the storage compartment for information. It may seem absurd, but applying this method improves your ability to assemble knowledge, making it easier to find. Likewise, you can use any sort of transportation like buses, trains, airplanes, or even spaceships.

Let's consider the previously mentioned passage about how we can improve our beliefs as an example. Try picturing this in your mind.

Imagine yourself in the driver's seat, accepting the responsibility to drive. This is the first advice mentioned previously: take responsibility. Next, imagine there is a big question mark sitting in the passenger seat, and you are asking it about something. This is the second piece of advice: question the belief. In the backseat, there is a computer developing new software. This is the third piece of advice: develop a new belief. Lastly, imagine that your car's license plate has the word "belief" printed on it. This signifies to use the new belief often and make it part of your identity.

Some might say this is just a simple and funny strategy, but it can be used with more diverse and complex information and can make it much easier for us to store information in our heads. Its utility depends solely on how we are going to engage ourselves with a considerably broader perspective and imagination.

2. The Body Method

This method is similar to 'The Car Method.' However, you are going to use your body as the storage compartments for the information that you have. Some of us may be unconsciously utilizing this method when trying to remember information for examinations, work, or shopping lists, especially when you don't have a pen on hand.

3. The Peg Method

This method requires the power of the associative mind or your ability to remember the relationship between two unrelated ideas. There are two methods that fall under this category.

a. The Rhyming Peg Method. This method is simple. You make your memory peg out of rhyming words and associate it with a certain piece of information.

b. The Shape Peg Method. Unlike the previous method, this method expects you to associate information with shapes.

4. The Journey Method

Consider this method a mental journey. It requires you to generate a particular image and put on a route. It is possible to recall information when experienced this way in your mind. You can use your own preferred places, such as a museum, buildings, your school, etc. This method is also similar to 'The Car Method' and'The Body Method'. The only difference is that this method requires you to broaden your mind more to imagine things on different levels.

Upon knowing how to transfer information into your life, it is equally necessary to learn to connect your thoughts, which helps to strengthen your imagination and ability to associate concepts. Learning is the ability to connect current information with prior information. Our vast knowledge enables us to connect more information easily. Our minds demonstrate no limits. The fundamental memory methods help you to be more creative with your learning and increase your involvement with the information.

What are the key lessons from the book Unlimited Memory?

Lesson 1: Avoid excuses

Excuses can seem plausible in cases where we are accepting a terrifying responsibility. Excuses, if not controlled, can cause us to stop our progress and may become an obstacle in our growth. Don't let excuses take over everything. Have the courage to devote yourself to learning and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Excuse yourself from too many excuses, shift your focus, and be in control of your mind. Letting go of excuses and complaints is an excellent beginning for our growth and improvement.

Lesson 2: Choose to do better

All of us experience various struggles in life. Some people doubt our potential. Most of us have been dependent on what others can give us. However, we all possess the ability to decide on our own. We have to be confident to follow our own chosen path. There are various ways to overcome challenges and to do better. The decision is yours.

Lesson 3: Self-discipline is the key

Self-discipline is the key to mastery. To create more self-discipline, you must:

  • Establish a vision. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. Having a vision enables you to be encouraged to follow what you enjoy.
  • Commit yourself. Make a decision that will prepare yourself for any possibilities.
  • Stop listening to your feelings. Sometimes your feelings only get in the way. If you crave emotional mastery, learn to take control of your inner voice and any deceptive thoughts that run through your head. When you decide to carry out a task, do it, whether you desire it or not.
  • To develop a habit, you must do it daily. For every action that we perform, there are consequences.

Lesson 4: Various methods exist that can help us to remember new information

The book presents techniques such as The Car Method, The Body Method, The Peg Method, and The Journey Method.

Review of the book Unlimited Memory

Reading this book made me realize that I was holding an incorrect view about learning. Upon completion of the book, I have learned many methods and useful strategies for the improvement of my memory and information storage. This book encouraged me to improve my own capabilities. It taught me that we have unlimited memory. Accessing this ability merely depends on whether we want to improve it or leave it as it is. All that we need to possess is self-discipline, belief in our capabilities, and the willingness to devote ourselves to learning. The choice is ours.


Unlimited Memory, written by Kevin Horsley, is an encouraging book that challenges us to do and think differently. The lessons, strategies, and methods mentioned in this book help us to improve our way of thinking. This book is worth reading, especially to those people who doubt their potential. All in all, this book is essential for the growth of an individual. Memory skills are vital for our learning; hence, we must apply our best effort to unleash the full power of our memory.

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